Delicious Homemade Alegrias with Chia/Alegrías caseras con chia
Español abajo!
This is an easy and delicious recipe that is a traditional sweet in Mexico and to many a healthy dessert because of all the nutrients amaranth offers. You can put whatever nut or dried fruit you prefer. Traditionally ,this recipe is made with nuts, pumpkin seeds, and raisins. Here, we used pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, and walnuts.
1/4 cup of pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup of peanuts or walnut
1/2 cup of chia seeds
250 grams of popped amaranth
For the piloncillo syrup:
1/8 cup water
25 grams piloncillo
1/4 cup bee honey
a few drops of lime to your liking
1. In pot, heat the water and melt the pilocillo with the honey and drops of lime. Cook a low heat, mixing constantly until all the piloncillo is melted and you achieve a thick syrup (takes about 5 minutes).
2. Add the amaranth and the nuts and fruits of your choice. Stir quickly and consistently until the syrup is completely incorporated with the amaranth and nuts/dried fruits.
3. While the mix is still hot, pour it into deep metal pans or glass casserole dishes, press with hands to compact evenly. Let it cool, and cut.
4. Enjoy!
Melting the piloncillo (fundiendo el piloncillo)

Desired consistency of syrup (El jarabe semi-espeso)
Esta receta es fácil y deliciosa. Este dulce tradicional mexicano es considerado un postre sano debido a los nutrientes que brinda el amaranto. Puedes añadir cualquier nuez o fruta seca de tu preferencia. Es tipico hacerla con nuez, pepitas, y pasas. Aqui la hacimos con pepita de calabaza, semillas de chia, y nuez.
1/4 taza de pepita de calabaza
1/4 tazas de cacahuate o nuez
1/2 tazas de chia seca
250 gramos de amaranto inflado
Para el jarabe:
1/8 tazas de agua
125 gramos de piloncillo
1/4 tazas de miel de abeja
unas gotas de jugo de limón (al gusto)