The “Small Giant”

In South America, the Inca civilization called it kiwicha, which means “small giant”, for being tiny but with an incredible nutritional profile unlike any other grains.

Amaranth is native to Mexico and Central America. Although, other previous Mexican cultures probably cultivated this plant, it is thought that the ancient Mayan civilization was the first to domesticate amaranth and used it as a food for high physical and mental performance. Later, the wise Mexicas , also known as “Aztecs”, linked the grain to their most important ceremonies related to life and the sun (Huitzilopochtli).

All these civilizations ate amaranth on a daily basis but especially to perform hard physical tasks such as running or fighting in a battle; as well as agricultural activities. Currently, in some parts of southern Mexico, rural communities prepare drinks made from this grain to perform physically demanding tasks in the field.

With a versatile arsenal of nutritional properties, amaranth is addition to achieve a comprehensive diet that strengthens your immune system. For that reason, amaranth was selected by the National Academy of Sciences from among 36 of the world’s most promising crops for address world famine.

The amaranth grain was almost wiped off the map during the Spanish conquest and subsequent political campaigns. Fortunately, small amaranth producers fought to keep this supergrain within the Mexican culture in order to continue to benefit from its incredible nutrition and versatility. Thanks to these farmers who cared for amaranth for thousands of years, we can also enjoy this delicious grain everyday!

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Explore this ancient source of energy.